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For Concert Key Instruments
Comes with play along audio
For Bass instruments
Comes with play along audio
For B flat instruments
Comes with play along audio
For E flat instruments
Comes with play along audio
Have you mastered Volume I ?
Order Volume II available in Concert key only, comes with play along audio
Featuring songs by Wendell Harrison, Roy Brooks, Harold McKinney, Eddie Harris and Pamela Wise
Songs are available on CDs by the artists
Wendell Harrison
Wendell Harrison
Pamela Wise
Eddie Harris & Wendell Harrison
Pamela Wise
Wendell Harrison featuring Cecil McBee and Kirk Lightsey
Featuring Wendell Harrison, Marcus Belgrave, Phil Ranelin
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Harold McKinney and Wendell Harrison duet
Wendell Harrison featuring his big band featuring James Carter and Mama's Licking Stick Clarinet Ensemble
Wendell Harrison and Mama's Licking Stick Clarinet Ensemble featuring James Carter
Pamela Wise Ensemble
Pamela Wise featuring ancestor Jerry Gonzalez and Wendell Harrison
Pamela Wise featuring Pathe Jassi
Mbiyu Chui featuring Wendell Harrison and Pamela Wise